From the recording Help me I am Lost Album

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This song has proved to be from God to me, personally, warning me of the long desert of waiting He would allow in my life. In our book "Escape from Laodicea' I have written about it.
In 1984, before I met Ken, I fasted and prayed for a week and one morning as I went outside to watch the sunrise, I felt the love and presence of God so close to me that I started to thank Him for His love. Straight after that, I went inside, picked up my pen and the words of this song came flowing out. Then God gave me a promise. He put it into my heart to read Isaiah 35:6 "Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert." Jesus is called the fountain of living water and only Jesus can satisfy our soul's longing for purpose and fulfillment in life because He created us to be loved by Him and to return that love. We do not usually seek Him out until things become hard and He knows that. This is why He allows the "desert experience" to happen in our lives so we may turn away from all our frivolous, self-seeking occupations and cry out to Him and subsequently find springs of water in the dry land. The dry land is our hard circumstances and the springs of water is that deep, close presence of God that He intended for us when He created us. It is during the hard, dry seasons of our physical lives, away from all the distractions and false security of materialistic ease, that we grow closest to our Creator and truly become fulfilled. I believe God's promise to me as given in this song, "Deep in the Winter". He has remained faithful to it.


Composed by Catharina Esplin

Deep in the winter, all is dry
Branches are empty grey is the sky
Nowhere can be found a flower or bee
But growth is inside every branch of a tree
So you must hold on cling unto Me
And I'll make you grow though you can't see
Now all seems so void so empty and dry
For a seed to bring life you know it must die

Look look at My love and know that I am just
Rest, rest in My care don't doubt Me just trust
For soon very soon you'll see the spring
Abundant the growth and rain that I bring

You ask Me why...why the winter's so long
You long for My closeness and yearn to be strong
But can't you see the trust you display
You stand on My word and follow My way

Beloved consider it pure joy whenever you face
trials of all kinds because the testing of your faith
develops perserverance. And perserverance must
finish its work so that you may be mature and
complete not lacking anything. James 1:2-4

And I`ll make you strong in a world insecure
So that you'll stand
When the proud falls I'll hold your hand

Look look at My love and know that I am just
Rest, rest in my care don't doubt Me just trust
Look look at My love don't doubt Me just trust
Isaiah 35:6-7, 41:8-18, Job 23:10, Zech.13:9,
Heb12:11, John 15:2-4, Prov.3:5, Isaiah 26:3
Dt 32:4, Heb10:23